Re-Opening Thursday 2 July
Thursday to Friday: 9am to 4pm (last entry 3.50pm)
Saturday 9am to 4.30pm (last entry 4.20pm)
Access arrangements: Due to the size and location of the site, you must pre book your visit 48 hours in advance. Bookings will be in slots of 10 minutes. To book an appointment please phone 07747 131 913 between 10am and 4pm Monday to Friday. The booking line will be live at 10am on Monday 29 June.
Vehicles must attend strictly on time for entry. Late comers will not be admitted and will have to re book their appointment. We are expecting a large number of bookings so please attend only at the time given and keep your time on site to a maximum of ten minutes to help others gain access.
At this time only cars will be allowed onto the site – no vans permitted (vans can use the Comber, Balloo and Ards sites with a permit).
NB: only two people per vehicle will be allowed access.
For further information:-
Category Archives: 2020
Portaferry Community
If you are in need of some help or guidance contact one of the following organisations.

Community Advice Helplines
If you need advice on issues such as debt, benefit entitlement, employment issues, Covid-19 related issues or completing forms, then help is available from the following:-
Portaferry and Ards Peninsula
Community Advice Ards and North Down
Tel: 0300 123 9287
Strangford, Downpatrick, Killyleagh, Ardglass
Community Advice Newry Mourne and Down
Tel: 0300 30 30 306
All calls will be treated in confidence. If no-one answers when you call, leave a message and they will call you back.
Kircubbin Recycling Centre
Kircubbin HRC reopening Monday 15 June 2020
Times: Monday-Thursday: 9am to 5pm (last entry 4.50pm)
Access arrangements: Due to the size and location of the site, you must pre book your visit in advance. Bookings will be in slots of 10 minutes. To book an appointment please phone 07747 131 913 between 10am and 2pm Monday to Thursday. The booking line will be live at 10am on Thursday 11 June.
Vehicles must attend strictly on time for entry. Late comers will not be admitted and will have to re book their appointment. We are expecting a large number of bookings so please attend only at the time given and keep your time on site to a maximum of ten minutes to help others gain access.
Queueing will not be allowed on Parsonage Road due to road safety issues. If queues develop on the road, the site may have to close for safety reasons as advised by the PSNI.
At this time only cars will be allowed onto the site – no vans permitted (vans can use the Comber, Bangor and Ards sites with a permit).
For futher information :-
NI Travel Restrictions
Coronavirus (COVID-19): travel advice
You should not travel abroad unless it’s essential. If you plan to travel in the weeks and months ahead, keep up-to-date with the latest advice for the country you plan travelling to. There is guidance for Northern Ireland residents who are either travelling overseas or returning to NI from abroad.
Advice for returning travellers
From Monday 8 June, new rules for entering or returning to the UK become law,
The rules apply to people who live in NI and visitors to NI.
You will not need to self-isolate for 14 days if you’re travelling to NI from within the CTA, that is: England, Scotland and Wales, The Republic of Ireland, the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man.
However, if you arrive in NI and have been outside the CTA within the last 14 days, then you will need to self-isolate for the remainder of the 14-day period, starting from when you arrived in the CTA.
You will also need to complete a contact detail declaration form if you’re travelling from the Republic of Ireland, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man and have been outside the CTA in the last 14 days.
Some travellers will be exempt from the new rules and this means they will not need to provide their journey or contact details or self-isolate.
It is, however, important to note that the exemptions do not apply if you’re travelling for personal reasons or if you have symptoms of coronavirus. Anyone who has symptoms of a cough, fever or loss of smell or taste must self-isolate.Full details and information is available by clicking here.
Radio Broadcast
Ferry FM is broadcasting on 107.3 FM across Portaferry and Strangford from 18th May until 1st July 2020. From 2nd July the station reverts to being online only.
Even though all our presenters are broadcasting from home, you can still contact the station for a mention, song request etc.
Tel: 028 4279 8181
Text / WhatsApp: 07504 930275
Email: (On Air Studio Requests)
Eamil: (General Station Enquiries)
You can also message us through the Ferry FM Facebook page.
Ferry FM is your community radio station. Thank you for listening.
FM Radio Broadcast
Ferry FM is pleased to announce that it has been awarded a special Covid-19 RSL broadcast licence.
From Monday 18th May Ferry FM will be broadcasting on FM to Portaferry and Strangford. We hope this move will enable those who are isolating on their own and without broadband, to feel that little bit closer to their communities. The station will still be available online via various radio apps, TuneIn, Smart Speakers and the Ferry FM website.
We will be carrying information on all aspects of “lockdown” in our area and if you have any thing you would like us to feature, please do get in touch. Likewise if you have information you would like us to broadcast about help available in the area, this must be submitted in writing to:
Our presentation team are all working from home, but our emails and phone calls are being answered as normal. Requests and messages can also be submitted via We hope everyone will find the service of music and information useful and the station will be on FM through until July the 1st.
We’d like to thank the National Lottery “Awards for All” for making this possible and to OFCOM for granting us the Licence to broadcast.
Follow Ferry FM on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Portaferry Galafest 2020
Given the current uncertainty regarding Covid-19, the Gala Committee considers the safety of our community to be paramount.
Therefore, it is with heavy hearts that the decision has been made to cancel traditional Gala Week 2020 this July. The exciting new events we had planned will now be rolled over to Gala Week 2021.
However, all is not lost. We are working on a ‘Virtual Gala 2020’, further details will be shared soon!
If you have any ideas for events/activities which can be held in the safety of your own home, photographs, memories or videos of past Gala’s that you would be willing to share, please email
Keep safe and stay home!

Stay Home

Portaferry Community Covid19 Help
We are currently living in unprecedented times with this Coronavirus affecting our planet. If you live in the Portaferry area and need help then see below for further details.