The Government is texting people across the UK to inform them of the new rules announced by the Prime Minister on 23 March 2020. This has been made possible thanks to the co-operation of mobile phone operators.
The message reads:
New rules in force now: you must stay at home.
More info & exemptions at
Stay at home. Protect the NHS. Save lives.”
Category Archives: 2020
Coronavirus Guidance
The Public Health Agency (PHA) is highlighting the new guidance for self-isolation following the decision to move from the containment to the delay phase for COVID-19 (coronavirus).
The move from containment to delay is timely as we have now seen our first cases of community transmission in Northern Ireland – three of the nine new cases published today. This was expected and highlights the importance of the additional guidance that has been put in place to reduce the spread in our community.
The main implication of these changes is the requirement for anyone who displays specific symptoms to self-isolate, even if they haven’t travelled from an affected area. People who have travelled from affected areas and those who have been in close contact with a positive case should also follow the same guidance.
“You do not need to call NHS111 or your GP to go into self-isolation. If your symptoms worsen during home isolation or are no better after seven days, seek medical advice by phone. If you have an underlying health condition and develop symptoms do let your GP know. Also be aware that symptoms consistent with coronavirus could also be caused by another illness, in which case you should seek medical advice as appropriate in a timely manner. In a medical emergency dial 999.”

Portaferry Men’s Shed
Portaferry Mens Shed exists to address social isolation, promote physical and mental health and wellbeing, and, in our own small way, try to redress some of the social determinants of health.
If you, or someone you know or care about, is looking for an open and safe place to come meet people, participate in arts, crafts, hobbies and community projects, or just shoot the breeze and enjoy some craic and camaraderie, why not pop along?
We are open Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 10am – 2pm, and 7pm – 9pm at Portaferry Presbyterian Church Hall, opposite Portico. (Free parking available)

Portaferry Sails and Sounds
Sails and Sounds returns for 2020. Mark the date in your diary. A weekend not to be missed.