The following has been received from TV Licensing:-
We are very aware that TVL is high on the scammers hit list. In May, Action Fraud received over 260 reports of coronavirus related TV Licensing emails. There has been a TVL email scam specifically about coronavirus going around which says that the customer is eligible for a personalised offer of six months free because of COVID.
We want to protect our customers, so have been working on developing more detailed advice and also working with National Cyber Security Centre – people are asked to send scam emails to as a way of NCSC building a better picture of what’s out there.
As mentioned, the attached checklist is a good guide to help service users become aware of TVL scams and begin to take action against them via the following steps:
STOP Scammers will attempt to trick you into giving away your personal or bank details. So always be wary of letters, emails, texts or phone calls that promise you money or a refund
CHECK Sender, spelling and grammar, your licence number, your name
ASK If you’re ever unsure about a communication you’ve received, it’s always best to ask someone – perhaps a friend or trusted advisor. Or you can contact us via or call us.