Covid 19 Community Support have put out a CALL FOR MORE VOLUNTEERS in the Ards and North Down Borough Council area.
We are looking for volunteer drivers to deliver food.
Do you have free time and would be interested in further info?
Register today by clicking here
Monthly Archives: July 2020
Portaferry Library
Good News. Portaferry Library will re-open on 3rd August 2020. A reduced service will be in operation for a time.

Happy 25th Birthday Ferry FM

On this day 25 years ago (15th July 1995) Ferry FM took to the airwaves across Portaferry and Strangford. Broadcasting on 105.4FM from the Market House, the station entertained people with Gala News and Great Music.
Over the years the station has broadcast from a few different places, but mainly the Market House. The frequency also changed a few times before settling on 107.2 for many broadcasts. The station broadcast for 8 days each year covering Portaferry Gala Week.
From 2019, the station began broadcasting online all year round from its new studio base in the Rec Hub and regularly receives messages from “Ex-Ports” around the world who tune in to hear what’s happening back home.
This year, 2020, the station undertook it’s longest FM broadcast – a 70 day Covid-19 RSL from May to July; featuring great music along with Covid-19 and community information as well as mental health and caring messages.

When ferry fm launched it was a commercial radio station, funded by advertising only – how many of these commercials do you remember from the 1990’s?
Coronavirus – Face Coverings
Face Coverings On Public Transport
From 10 July 2020 it’s the law that passengers and staff on public transport in Northern Ireland must wear a face covering:
– on bus, coach and train services
– in public transport stations
– in indoor areas of a ferry and outdoor areas where you can’t keep two metres social distance
This law does not apply to tour coaches and taxis or private hire vehicles but some operators may have their own rules you should follow.
Although face coverings may not prevent you from becoming infected with the virus, they help prevent people who don’t know they have the virus spreading it to others.
By wearing a face covering you are are showing your support and consideration for other passengers and staff and playing your part to prevent transmission of the virus.
You don’t have to wear a face covering:
– on school transport
– if you are under the age of 13
– if you are a member of staff and are behind a protective screen
– if you are a passenger or a member of staff and have a reasonable excuse
For further information visit:
Strangford Ferry
From Thursday 2 July the Strangford Lough Ferry Service timetable will be extended by 1 hour.
The last sailing from Strangford is now at 7.00pm and from Portaferry now at 7.15pm daily. There will be a break from noon until 2pm each day.
Further details at